Color Block Path Tracking & Pose Prediction

How to apply Kalman Filter to tracking and prediction?

Posted by bythew3i on October 6, 2019

In this project, I learned about the popular colorspaces used in Computer Vison and successfully implemented the Kalman Filter Algorithm to predict the movement of object (Pose Prediction).



Detecting a Visual Target

First, my main ideas of detecting the color block were coming from these posts:

The input bag (video resource) was provided by professor Marynel VÁZQUEZ


After color filtering, I was able to capture the movement of the blue block.


Kalman Filter: Pose Prediction

desc KFA

After applying Kalman Filter Algorithm, I got this output:


The images sent over the /tracked_image topic display two trajectories: the red line connects the observed locations for the target (as received through the /observations topic); and the thinner green line connects the estimated location for the target (from the Kalman Filter belief).

Real-Time Filtering

Based on the ROS and RealSense D435 camera, I implemented a Yellow block tracking (red line) and Kalman Filter Pose prediction (green line) in real time system.